Pricing is a simple equation. Shop time + Materials = Total Cost. My shop rate is $65 per hour. Generally speaking, pricing for most pieces starts around $2500 and goes up from there. It is difficult to do custom, quality work for a lower cost unless it’s a simple design. A look over some example projects on my website can give some insight to what a similar piece might potentially cost, though there are many factors that need to be considered.
Please see additional information on pricing factors and considerations meant to be helpful here.
Custom built-in bookshelves designed for display of collectibles and books
A critical step in any new piece is to create a 3D CAD model. This allows for design tweaking - major or minor in nature - and is the best way to visualize the overall project.
It allows for problem solving to happen prior to going out into the workshop and allows me to address potential issues prior to ordering materials that might end up raising the overall cost.
It also allows my customers to visualize exactly what I will be building for them so there are no surprises. A picture, in my mind, is worth more than a thousand words.
After making any necessary changes, a more detailed, finalized version is turned into PDF detail drawings complete with dimensions. This is provided to the client for approval and also serve as shop drawings for use during construction.
Once the final drawings are finished and signed off on by the client, I source the best possible stock and get started in the workshop.
build pictures & documentation
During construction, I work to keep clients informed of progress, taking pictures throughout and periodically sending them along. Part of having something unique and special built - versus buying a mass produced item - is the story that accompanies it.
If desired, I also provide clients with a signed copy of the detail shop drawings.
White oak case and shelves being prepared for stain and finish prior to assembly
Completed white oak bookshelves installed. Pleasant Ridge, MI
Should your piece be a built-in and you’d like me to do the installation, I will work with you to organize the work in a timely manner.
During installation I will treat your home and family with the utmost respect. The goal is to add a piece that looks as though it's been there since the house was built.
The most important thing to me is to exceed expectations and to have happy clients!